Using an innovative approach in partnerships, we combine EMT: Emergency Medical Training Canada’s best-in-class blended learning software and your worksite health and safety experts to deliver a customized, cost-saving solution to your on-site first aid training needs.
Embedded Instructors - Large Industrial Settings

Take advantage of the savings potential of training your staff in-house. Partnering with EMT Canada to deliver your First Aid and CPR training using a blended learning delivery means you only have to dedicate one day of staff time to training, while theory is taught online in easily digestible, interactive modules that staff can complete at their own pace.
Rather than the traditional method of paying a training provider to come to the site, we train one of your qualified health and safety experts to evaluate the skills that were introduced in the online portion of the program.
Combining these two cost-saving factors can result in MASSIVE SAVINGS for your bottom line without diminishing the effectiveness of your staff’s training.
What EMT provides
- Instructor training
- Best-in-class, site-customizable online programming
- All student resources and reference materials
- List of required equipment
- Trackable progress and completion records
- Quick digital certification issuance
What you provide
- A health and safety professional well-trained and experienced in first aid – at minimum certified first responder level (EMT can provide this training as well), ideally a paramedic, RN/RPN/NP or MD
- Required equipment
- A suitable environment for course delivery

Use the savings calculator to see how much the EMT Canada Embedded Instructor Program can save your company
Note: This calculator is based on an 8-hour training day, and a typical two-day course. Your costs may vary based on your scheduling arrangements. This calculator does not include the cost of a facilitator.