One of the ways that we create our best-in-class learning experience is with exceptional quality teaching equipment. Even the basic equipment that our instructors use in courses is the best available. Our CPR mannequins are Laerdal® Little Anne™ mannequins—simply the best CPR mannequins on the market. But we don’t stop there, we use mannequins that simulate choking and allow you to practice actual abdominal thrusts. We have simulated arms that bleed and simulated arms with wounds that can be bandaged or closed. We have simulated arms that you can learn to take a blood pressure reading on, and simulated arms that you can start an IV on. We have a leg that you can put a traction splint on and it will tell you how much traction you are pulling! We even have a mannequin that breathes on its own and has its own pulse!
When it’s time to learn how to put an oral airway in place, we have mannequins designed just for that skill as well. We have backboards, fracture boards, KEDS and SKEDs, traction splints and malleable splints and all manner of props and simulated injuries that can be strapped in place to simulate a critically ill or injured patient.
When you couple the equipment with our fantastic instructors and our customized training programs we provide everything that we need to make your course an experience.
Click Here To Read More About HAL – Our Ultra-Realistic Patient Simulator