The newest addition to the EMT Canada team is HAL® S3000— A wireless and tetherless prehospital and nursing patient simulator. Tetherless technology allows the communications, compressor, and power supply to be inside HAL®, eliminating external tubes, wires, and compressors. HAL® operates continuously during transport and training can occur in the working environment. We can use HAL in real-world accident or illness simulations while care providers diagnose and treat his condition using real monitoring and resuscitation equipment. We can control HAL® at distances up to 300 meters and between rooms and floors of conventional buildings.


Some of HAL’s features include:

  • Measurable blood pressure
  • eCPR sensors; Chest compressions are measured and logged
  • Preprogrammed speech responses – HAL can tell you how he’s feeling!
  • Normal and abnormal heart sounds, rates, and intensities allow for ECG monitoring using real devices
  • Active Eyes – programmable blink rate, pupil size, and pupil reaction
  • Visible cyanosis

HAL also allows us to train advanced medical techniques such as:

  • Oral or nasal intubation: ETT, LMA, King LT – with sensors to detect depth of intubation
  • Programmable difficult airway: Laryngospasm, pharyngeal swelling, tongue edema
  • Surgical airway: tracheostomy or needle cricothyrotomy
  • Accommodates assisted ventilation including BVM and mechanical support
  • Tension pneumothorax and bilateral needle decompression sites
  • Bilateral IV sites
  • Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses